Privacy Policy

  • reserves all rights to it’s website, images, content, trademarks, designs and other intellectual properties, which should not be copied, distributed, download, post or shared without consent.

  • respects the privacy of the users of its website and has made protection of their information in all activities on the Internet, their highest priority., however, does not accept responsibility for third parties where this is not stated separately. We seek to protect your rights of privacy on systems and the Site controlled by us, but we are not to be held liable for any unauthorized or unlawful disclosures of your personal and confidential information made by third parties who are not subject to our control, for example advertisers and websites that have links to our Site.

  • collects, stores and processes personal data in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions and to the extent necessary to fulfill the contractual relationship between the provider and the user or to provide the requested services necessary and required. Moreover, address and order data is collected and processed for our own marketing purposes. Furthermore, according to the applicable law, anonymous user profiles may be used for internal market research purposes and to improve our range of products and services. Personal information means any information that the user of provides to us and that may be used to identify an individual (first and last name, address, fixed and mobile phone number). Despite regular controls a complete protection against all dangers is, however, not possible and out of our regular control.

  • Users have the right, at any time, to know whether their Personal Data has been stored and can consult the Data Controller to learn about their contents and origin, to verify their accuracy or to ask for them to be supplemented, canceled, updated or corrected, or for their transformation into anonymous format or to block any data held in violation of the law, as well as to oppose their treatment for any and all legitimate reasons. Requests should be sent to the Data Controller at the contact information set out on the website.

  • If we are required to intercept, disclose, monitor and/or store your personal information: either by law; to conduct our business; to secure our systems; or to enforce our own rights, we will do so in the manner as prescribed by law. Such interception, disclosure, monitoring and storage may take place without your knowledge. In these cases, we will not be liable to you or any third party for any damages however arising from such interception, disclosure, monitoring and storage.

  • You unconditionally agree that using this website signifies your assent to Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please refrain from using our website. Any dispute over privacy is subject to this policy and our terms of Use, including limitations on damages. Vaidaan reserves the right to change the terms of use and this Privacy policy, at any time. Any changes in the policy will be posted and you are expected to know about it. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account.